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USPS Commemorative Panels

Scott #
Description Date Price
378 2611-15 29c Winter Olympics (5) 1/11 15.00 12.50
379 2616 29c Columbian EXPO 1/24 15.00 12.50
380 2617 29c W. E. B. DuBois 1/31 20.00 17.50
381 2618 29c Love 2/6 15.00 12.50
382 2619 29c Olympic Baseball 4/3 50.00 42.50
383 2620-23 29c Voyage of Columbus 4/24 16.00 14.00
384 2631-34 29c Space Exploration 5/29 20.00 17.50
385 2630 29c Stock Exchange 5/17 25.00 22.50
386 2635 29c Alaska Highway 5/30 12.50 12.50
387 2636 29c Kentucky Statehood 6/1 12.50 10.00
388 2637-41 29c '92 Olympics (5) 6/11 15.00 12.50
389 2642-46 29c Hummingbirds 6/15 20.00 17.50
390 2697 29c World War II - Sheetlet 8/17 20.00 17.50
391 2698 29c Dorothy Parker 8/22 12.50 10.00
392 2699 29c Dr. von Karman 8/31 20.00 17.50
393 2700-03 29c Minerals-Block of 4 9/17 20.00 17.50
394 2704 29c Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo 9/28 15.00 12.50
395 2705-09 29c Wild Animals Booklet 10/1 18.00 16.00
396 2710/14a 29c Christmas-2 Blocks 10/22 20.00 17.50
397-99 2624-29 1c-$5.00 Columbian Souvenir Sheets-6 SS On Set of 3 Panels 5/22 250.00 ---

400-04 2647-96 29c Wild Flowers-50 Stamps on Set of 5 Panels 7/24 250.00 200.00

405 2720 29c Chinese New Year 12/30 37.50 32.50
378-405 1992 Year Set (28 Panels) 2/20 750.00 675.00
406 2721 29c Elvis 1/8 40.00 35.00
407 2745a 29c Space Fantasy Bkt. 1/25 22.50 20.00
408 2746 29c Percy Lavon Julian 1/29 20.00 17.00
409 2747 29c Oregon Trail 2/12 15.00 12.00
410 2748 29c University Games 2/25 15.00 12.00
411 2749 29c Grace Kelly 3/24 35.00 30.00
412 2722 29c Oklahoma! 3/30 15.00 12.00
413 2750-53 29c Circus U. S. A. 4/6 17.50 15.00
414 2754 29c Cherokee Strip 4/17 15.00 12.00
415 2755 29c Dean Acheson 4/21 20.00 17.50
416 2756-59 29c Sports Horses 5/1 20.00 17.50
417 2760-64 29c Garden Flowers 5/15 15.00 12.00
418 2965a-j 29c World War II-Sheetlet 5/31 20.00 17.50
419 2723 29c Hank Williams 6/9 35.00 30.00
420 2737b 29c Rock & Roll-BP8 6/16 35.00 32.50
421 2766 29c Joe Louis 6/22 45.00 40.00
422 2770a 29c Broadway Musicals(4) 7/14 20.00 17.00
423 2779-82 29c Postal Museum 7/30 18.00 15.00
424 2783-84 29c Deaf Communications 9/20 15.00 14.00
425 2775-78 29c Country Western 9/25 35.00 30.00
426 2789/1-94 29c Christmas 3/28 20.00 17.50
427 2785-88 29c Youth Classics 10/23 20.00 17.50
428 2804 29c Mariana Island 11/4 15.00 14.00
429 2805 29c Columbus/Puerto Rico 11/19 17.50 15.00
430 2806 29c AIDS Awareness 12/1 17.50 15.00
406-430 1993 Year Set (25 Panels) 2/5 350.00 325.00
431 2807-11 29c Winter Olympics 1/6 25.00 20.00
432 2812 29c Edward R. Murrow 1/21 15.00 12.50
433 2816 29c Allison Davis 2/1 20.00 17.50
434 2817 29c Chinese New Year 2/5 22.50 20.00
435 2814a 29c Dove(s) Love Booklet 2/14 17.50 15.00
436 2818 29c Buffalo Soldiers 4/22 20.00 17.50
436a 2818 29c Soldiers-FD Cancelled Ft. Leavenworth KS 4/22 --- 35.00
437 2819-28 29c Stars the Silent Screen 4/27 22.50 25.00
438 2828-32 29c Garden Flowers 4/28 17.50 15.00
439 2837 1.19 World Cup S. Sheet 5/26 20.00 17.50
440 2838 29c World War II-1944 6/6 20.00 17.50
441 2839 29c Norman Rockwell 7/1 32.50 25.00
442 2840 29c Moon Landing 7/20 30.00 27.50
443 2843-47 29c Locomotives Bkt. 7/28 20.00 17.50
444 2848 29c George Meany 8/16 12.50 10.00
445 2849-53 29c Popular Singers-Bkt. 9/1 20.00 17.50
446 2862 29c James Thurber 9/10 12.50 11.00
447 2854-61 29c Jazz & Blues Singers 9/17 25.00 22.50
448 2863-66 29c Wonders of the Seas 10/3 20.00 17.50
449 2867-68 29c Cranes 10/9 20.00 18.00
450 2871 29c Traditional Christmas 10/20 12.50 11.00
451 2872 29c C. Christmas 10/20 12.50 11.00
452 2876 29c Chinese New Year 12/30 20.00 18.00
431-452 1994 Year Set (22 Panels) 10/28 275.00 250.00

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